Many people don’t understand that it’s not impossible to paint aluminum siding. Should the aluminum siding require a brand new look; painting it may be an option and a valid way to restore it. If you plan to revamp your siding, follow these simple guidelines for a good outcome.
Painting Tip Number One: Prep Is Important
Any work you do in advance of the actual painting will significantly influence the result of your refurbishment. As with many painting situations, painting aluminum siding is different. You should always set up your aluminum prior to painting by cleansing it methodically with a power pressure washer. Power washers will be found by either purchasing or renting them at a commercial home renovation center. It isn’t essential to clean your siding with anything other than water, though you can use a little mild soap. It is essential to wash your aluminum prior to painting because the paint will not adhere to the aluminum surface if any dirt remains under the paint.
Painting Tip Number Two: Primer Is Important
As you are setting up to paint, the primer that you utilize will make a huge difference in the outcome. When painting aluminum siding, it is suggested that you use a primer that has a bonding additive. This may be added to a basic primer when you buy it at a local hardware store, or you may purchase a primer, which already contains a bonding additive.
Every Latex Paint, As Well As Primer, Has Ammonia.
Some major manufacturers stress a modified bonding additive. These additives use Ammonia as an ingredient and when ammonia makes contact with oxidized aluminum, it generates a gas/vapor. This gas may cause a froth to appear underneath the paint film and poor adhesion will occur. Consequently early paint breakdown will occur. Some aluminum experts theorize that bonding agents should be re-thought. A superior option might be to prime the worn-down aluminum with a ‘watered-down’ oil-superior metallic priming paint. Some experts suggest that you could ‘water it down’ as follows; one pint of ‘paint thinner’ to one gallon of good quality oil based primer.
Priming/bonding your aluminum will aid the finish of the paint. This will ensure that the paint will hold fast to your siding. Your local home renovation center or hardware store may give you some advice for a first-rate bond primer.
Painting Aluminum Siding Tip Number Three: Use a Sprayer to Paint
People have painted their aluminum using a paintbrush. While this method works, it is not as effective. Using this method will leave markings in the finish. It’s far better to utilize a sprayer that will make certain of a smooth application of paint when you revamp your siding. A personal paint sprayer will cost you a moderate amount of cash, but you could rent a professional grade one for comparative pennies. The paint job will definitely look better. The paint will flow on faster and the time you save will more than pay you back for the cost of the rental fee.
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